Since its founding in 2018, refurbishing our circa 1951 caboose has been a goal of the Garner Area Historical Society. Our dream is to restore the inside of the caboose to its original condition when it served as a working railcar. We feel that seeing this car as it appeared when in use would enhance the visitor experience to the Garner History Museum at the Depot.

An estimate from a railcar restoration professional puts the cost at approximately $10,000. If you would like to make a donation earmarked for this effort, please click the button at the bottom of this page to donate online by credit card. You may also send a check to the Garner Area Historical Society at P. O. Box 156, Garner, NC 27529, with the notation “Caboose Fund.” Thanks for considering a donation toward this effort! Your donation is tax-deductible.

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