Remember When?

Remember when we thought $1.00 was a big price to pay for a gallon of gas for our cars? And the place you bought gasoline was called a "filling station?" or a "service station"; And you actually got service from a person? Wow—those were the days!

You may well remember Garner Gulf—a full-service station where staff not only filled your tank, but cleaned your windshield as well, and did so with a smile. We are excited that the Walton family has loaned us their vintage late 1970's-early 1980's gas pump to display in the Garner
History Museum. 2

Originally located on Highway 70, this is a third-generation family business, now known as Family Auto. Their current business location on St. Mary's Street is a neighbor of the Museum, just down the road. Come check out this treasure from Garner's business history!

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