We Are Almost There!

As they say in the country, "we're in the short rows" toward the goal of opening the Garner Depot History Museum. As of this writing, exterior repairs and updates are about 95% complete, including work needed to make the Depot compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. We were slowed by the difficulty of getting some building materials during the pandemic, but work has moved forward in recent weeks.

The exterior of the caboose has been stabilized and painted in its authentic original colors; it's quite an eye-catching and cheerful sight on the corner of Main and Pearl Streets. The GAHS Executive Committee has had the interior evaluated by an expert in railcar restoration. He will give us an estimate to use in the future to apply for grant monies to restore the interior of the caboose to its original condition.

As you know, getting the Garner Depot History Museum up and running is dependent on donations toward refurbishing and up-fitting the interior. We must replace lighting, provide for a temperature and humidity controlled environment, construct and/or purchase displays, and do whatever is necessary to have a first-class representation of our Town's history.

The support of community partners is absolutely necessary and much appreciated. Tax-deductible donations can be made by check to the Garner Area Historical Society, (P.O. Box 156, Garner, NC 27529) or on our website at Garner-area-historical-society.org.

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